Her Hustle - Preparing For 2022

Sometimes we question what we should be doing, are we on the right path. In starting out with this business venture, I questioned a lot of my abilities, capabilities, and motives. Don't get me wrong I have been in the entrepreneur game for a long time, in various levels sometimes fulltime, sometimes part-time and sometimes forced. It was just dependent on the time and season of my life. I first started when I was 17, I started with a personal shopping service, then I moved to a fashion magazine, then a Talk show “ The Social Club." I eventually scaled up and opened two fashion boutiques, a fitness boutique, and the list goes on. But in the lifestyle of entrepreneurial venture losses come with that, and I have accumulated a lot of losses in this game, some victories but more losses.

So when it came to am I significant enough to help people make better decisions ad choices, then I did, I began to question that. Since then, I have had the privilege to work with hundreds of female entrepreneurs and professionals, and I have learned so much about the game I consider the hustle. The Pink Hustle, to be exact. One thing that has been poignant in every encounter with the amazing women I have met is the difference between just doing something or going after an opportunity and actually following and building because of purpose. The biggest reason most people fail and have failed, including myself, has been to not truly understanding my purpose in life, business, family, etc.  

That purpose revelation is so vital to the push we have on the inside, that it is necessary to understand it and grow through that over and over again until we finally understand it. Purpose has levels, and purpose grows as you grow and mature as a woman, a business owner, a profession as a person. Your purpose is your push, your purpose id your reminder, your purpose becomes your why. Just this morning, my purpose was solidified once again.

 A small reminder was sent to me this morning of my purpose and the reason my purpose has to be fulfilled. So many times, I get bombarded with ideas and visions and goals that I tend to put purpose on the back burner and take advantage of knowing it will always be there. But this morning, an exceptional person @jamilatdavis life and story was given to me like a tap on the shoulder to stay focus, stay in my lane, and put my purpose before anything. 

 As a firm believer of Christ and understanding the power of faith and living in the spiritual ram, I know that my gift was given to me for a reason, my struggles and challenges were allotted so that my life could be an example to all those little brown skin girls like me.

 Moral of the story, I was reminded that I have to keep pushing because my purpose and my calling is for someone else who is waiting to be driven to the #nextlevel in life by me being obedient to the call.

 I urge you to find your purpose, walk in your purpose, birth your purpose, and to understand someone is waiting on you to produce that gift that is on the inside so they can be pushed forward. You are the answer to someone's question(s), to someone’s struggle, to someone's next level living, someone is waiting on you. As you grow in business, as you grow in your journey, as you grow in life, continue to be solidified in understanding and knowing your purpose because when that happens, success is inevitable. 

Her HustleShakkiah Curtis